Newsletter & Blog

Taping Techniques Effective for Improving Diastasis Recti

Our patient has quite a significant gap between her rectus abdominis muscles after having twins. It has already reduced to 6 fingers width at the umbilicus from 9. Besides manual therapy and therapeutic prescriptive exercises, improving connective tissue laxity can be achieved through taping. Providing support through specific taping can really help reduce the gap and give the patient an added awareness of utilizing those muscles for stabilizing her trunk. She also wears an abdominal binder. [...]

Physical Therapy Can Help Patients with Pelvic Pain due to Endometriosis Adhesions

Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrial tissue (the cells lining the uterus) grows in other areas of the body. The tissue growth typically occurs outside of the uterus, such as on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel, rectum, bladder, and on the delicate lining or fascia of the pelvis. This tissue growth can cause adhesions, fibrous bands, and scarring in and around the pelvic organs and structures. Common symptoms of endometriosis include abdominal, hip, and pelvic pain, cramping, irregular bleeding, painful menstruation, low back pain, sacroiliac joint pain, bladder pain or [...]

Benefits of Exercise during Pregnancy

Studies show that there are many benefits of an exercise program for the pregnant woman. Besides improving muscle tone, reducing weight gain, and improving cardiovascular fitness, studies also show a reduction in episodes of low back pain and other musculoskeletal complaints. Keeping fit with regular exercise during pregnancy also helps improve flexibility, posture and body mechanics which can further reduce incidence of injury or low back pain, a very common pregnancy complaint. Exercise can be a stress reducer, improves mood, reinforces the principles of deep breathing, and promotes post exe[...]

Post Partum Patient with 9 Finger Diastasis Recti

Undergoing physical therapy with us following delivery of twins and then 2 years later a singleton, this lovely post partum patient's diastasis recti (separation of the rectus abdominis muscles) has started to close by 2 fingers above, at, and below the umbilicus or navel. We have her in an abdominal binder 24 hours 7 days per week, performing advanced manual therapies, neuromuscular rehabilitation of her core muscles, visceral mobilization, biomechanics and movement re-education, breathing re-education, and prescriptive therapeutic exercises! She is on her way to a full recovery or to being v[...]

Hip Labral Tears

The acetabular labrum is the fibrocartilagenous ring lining of the “socket” part of the hip joint. The hip is a ball and socket joint. The labrum functions to absorb shock, lubricate the joint, distribute pressure, and aide in stability. Causes of labral tears include trauma, impingement (also known as femoroacetabular impingement or FAI), hypermobility, dysplasia, and degeneration. Hormonal influences such as during pregnancy or underlying collagen disorders can predispose patients to labral tears. Repetitive rotational sports such as golf or extreme yoga poses can place stress on the hip cap[...]

Pain-free Intercourse Now From a Patient Suffering from Localized Provoked Vestibulodynia/Vulvodynia Under Our Care for 5 Months

Her email... Hi Dr. Pam --I just wanted to share this with you because you've been such an important part of my getting better. I was able to have a PAIN FREE experience with the boyfriend - finally! I can successfully say there was a zero on the pain scale (first time in my life) and I couldn't be more thrilled. Didn't want to wait to share this until my next appointment with you - it's too exciting! Thank you so much for all that you've done - couldn't get to this point without you!!! See you soon -- Julie[...]

Optimizing Labor and Delivery Through Manual Physical Therapy Techniques:

Dr. Pamela Morrison just returned from the national physical therapy conference in Indianapolis, Indiana and had presented a 2-hour lecture to physical therapists from around the country on "Optimizing Labor and Delivery Through Manual Physical Therapy Techniques"! She and her staff are experts in this area. By applying manual therapies to the pelvis, labor and delivery can be made more efficient! Releasing tightness around the pelvis, hips, and pelvic floor muscles and realigning joints can improve the pelvic biomechanics quite a bit. She also attended courses on sexual counseling, the pelvic[...]

Dr. Pamela Morrison Twitter

Follow Dr. Pamela Morrison, PT, MS, DPT, BCB-PMD, IMTC on Twitter @‪#‎pelvicpainpt to read about topics in physical therapy for pelvic pain including vulvodynia, pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, vaginismus, coccyx pain, pregnancy and post partum issues, sexual pain, gastrointestinal issues, male pelvic pain, pudendal neuralgia, and also general orthopedics![...]

Our Patient with Primary Vestibulodynia Had Successful Vestibulectomy Surgery- Her testimonial:

I wanted to make sure I passed along the good news to you, as I have never managed to express just how much you helped me. I found you through a random Google search at the darkest hour- I was beyond depressed about the situation, at the time. I was actually close to not wanting to live anymore. What I loved so much about therapy with you was that you let me talk about my feelings while we worked. My other PT elsewhere had told me at our first meeting, that she wasn't there to listen to my emotional problems- that those were best directed at a therapist, not at her. It was more helpful to me t[...]

Helping Newborns and Mothers Improve Breastfeeding Through Craniosacral Therapy and Integrative Manual Therapy

Infants sometimes have restrictions in their head, neck, and jaw mobility after traveling through the birth canal or from positioning in the womb.This can impede their ability to open their mouths fully for successful latching for breastfeeding. Craniosacral and Integrative Manual Therapies are very gentle techniques and improve relaxation of these areas to normalize movement of the head, neck, jaw, and tongue. Here we see a great example of one of patients' newborn latching perfectly after his initial session!  [...]