Newsletter & Blog

Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) / Prostatodynia

In men, the source of chronic pain in the pelvic region is often the prostate gland. Surrounding the urethra, the prostate gland—about the size of a walnut—is located below the bladder. Its function is to secrete fluid in the semen that provides protection for sperm.Pelvic congestion syndrome is a chronic condition that affects women and men and can be a cause of chronic pelvic pain. In CPPS, the pain continues even after the infection has been resolved. Consequently, CPPS is sometimes called Chronic Non-Bacterial Prostatitis, Category III Chronic Prostatitis and was formerly known as Prostato[...]

Visceral Manipulation

Our internal organs—including the stomach, bladder, liver intestines and many others—are known as viscera. If any one of these internal organs has restricted mobility from trauma, surgery, birth, infection or other causes, a variety of problems—including pain and compromised organ function—may occur. A gentle manual therapy technique known as Visceral Manipulation can be highly effective in restoring mobility and motility to an organ. It does this by restoring space around or within an organ that has adhered to another internal structure or been compressed or restricted. Visceral man[...]

Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD)

Recurring unwelcomed, spontaneous sexual arousal unaccompanied by sexual desire is a disorder known as Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD). Usually characterized by persistent genital engorgement and erection of the clitoris (in women) or penis (in men), symptoms persist over an extended time and can include a sense of genital fullness or congestion, and genital swelling, tingling, throbbing and/or sensitivity, as well as painful intercourse (known as dyspareunia) and nipple sensitivity. Historically more common in women, men increasingly are reporting the condition. Orgasm or ejaculati[...]

Abdominal Pain, Adhesions, Belching, Constipation, Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia all Improving with Pelvic Physical Therapy

CT scan with contrast reveals pelvic organ prolapse, renal cysts, history of sigmoid resection and internal rod fixation, small and large colon filled with air, and angulation of bowel loops suggestive of more adhesions. This patient has had treatment with us consisting of visceral mobilization, myofascial release and other advanced manual therapies, sEMG biofeedback, pelvic floor rehab, toilet posture/habit and diet retraining, stress reduction techniques, and neuromuscular re-education. Belching is significantly less, dyssynergia is 60% improved so far, reduced abdominal bloating, improved m[...]

Patient with 9 Fingers Width Diastasis Recti (Separation of the Rectus Abdominus Muscles) Reduced to 2.5 Fingers Width with Expert Physical Therapy

After vaginal delivery of singleton following twins, this patient came to us having undergone the Tuppler technique for months. Convinced she would likely need surgery I told her we have had terrific success with this diagnosis using manual therapies, prescriptive exercises, abdominal binders, and taping techniques. Within 10 weeks of being seen once a week at our practice and compliance with her home program, she is achieving her goal. We are thrilled for her! See her before (already reduced to six fingers width) and after images. Diastasis Recti can be measured along the linea alba (midline [...]

Just attended the Consensus Conference on Vulvovaginal Pain Nomenclature with worldwide experts in the field

Our mission is to update terminology to better serve patients. Musculoskeletal-related factors were represented well, heard, respected, and added!                                                                                   &nbs[...]

Another Successful Vaginal Delivery After Pelvic Realignment Using Advanced Manual Therapies

This lovely pregnant patient came to us with low back pain and "sciatica" or pain referring down the back of her leg. Her pain resolved in three sessions when we addressed her pelvic alignment, soft tissue dysfunction with myofascial release and massage, neural tension, issued a home stretching program, and performed neuromuscular re-reeducation techniques with her to her pelvis and lower spine. She had a short and successful labor. She was kind enough to send a picture of her beautiful newborn to share in her happiness! Congrats to her! [...]

Dr. Pamela Morrison Recently had an Article Published in the Women's Health Physical Therapy Journal

Abstract title: The Use of Specific Myofascial Release Techniques by a Physical Therapist to Treat Clitoral Phimosis and Dyspareunia See abstract. We helped a patient with sexual pain including clitoral pain and painful intercourse who had other concomitant orthopedic problems such as lumbar spine pain and pubic symphysis pain/bone bruise. All of the patient's pain improved with manual therapies, motor control exercises, pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation, Integrative Manual Therapy Techniques, and prescriptive exercises including stretching exercises. Making patients and other health care pro[...]

Professional Postpartum Musician with Pelvic Pain Gets Relief

A 42 year-old professional violinist presented to our clinic with complaints of coccyx pain that began after the birth of her daughter approximately one year ago. During her delivery she received an epidural and induction. Soon after, she began to experience pain in the region of her tailbone or coccyx which worsened with sitting on hard surfaces as well as the floor. During her physical therapy evaluation, she demonstrated sacroiliac (SI) joint and sacral torsion or misalignment as well as multi-level lumbar vertebral segmental dysfunction. Her coccyx was hyper-flexed or drawn under. Right pe[...]