Patient with Chronic Pelvic Pain Presents with Severe Swayback

Posted by on Mar 7, 2019 in Uncategorized

Posture does matter! Swayback posture is when the spine hinges backwards or extends through one or more segments. It is one of the leading causes of low back pain. This patient has a sway back with a hinge at T12-L2 vertebral segments. In sway back your the chest lean backwards, with hips turned in and pelvis and chin thrust forward. The spine extends backwards from the hinge region. Ideally, a neutral pelvis (the ideal position) supports a mild lumbar curve (called a normal lordosis) in the low back. The spine stacks correctly upwards with even transmission of forces. Swayback posture causes tension in the thoracolumbar fascia, weakness in the transversus abdominis and pelvic floor, adverse tension of abdomino-pelvic and lower extremity nerves, changes in vaginal vault angles during intercourse, overuse biomechanically at the spinal hinge region, tension of the hamstrings/sciatic nerve complex, and much more. Many patients with sway back posture were former gymnastic athletes and it was a method used to stand very upright. In order to effectively treat her pelvic pain we have to address the swayback posture and create new habits and biomechanical balance around the low back and pelvis. Come see us for pelvic and low back pain!